Sensual City Studio

MEDITERRANEAN SQUARE Let us give the sea, which is at the center and not outside the Barcelona-Genoa entity, a name: Mediterranean Square. Let’s give it a shape: a magnificent esplanade, turned towards the north, and bordered by all the built decor that compliments all the region’s physical features. [ + ]


Let us give the sea, which is at the center and not outside the Barcelona-Genoa entity, a name: Mediterranean Square. Let’s give it a shape: a magnificent esplanade, turned towards the north, and bordered by all the built decor that compliments all the region’s physical features. In the background, the mountains lend consistency and composure to the landscape—exactly the opposite of sfumato painting, where the background fades off into the distance. Let’s give it a flâneur, because the urban doesn’t exist without occasions for ambling: a sailor, a seafarer, or better yet, a tireless swimmer that moves freely (though here again, we’ll have to use our imagination, because our Square mustn’t be monopolized by jet skiers, outboard motors and/or yachts, which would make it into a nearly-privatized game board), and who explores places and panoramas from the point of view of the sea-esplanade; back and forth, to and fro. Lastly, let’s give it a role: it is the common space, the one which, without insisting on cohesion, will imbue the urban froth with a specific sort of atmosphere and personality. Of course, such a froth bears the traces of generic globalized urbanism, but that certain je ne sais quoi, that near-everything that distinguishes it and makes it unlike any other, is sought and found in MediterraneanSquare. It is there that each person is able to assert his or her life space within the vast assemblage; to feel “here” and not anywhere else, and to recognise himor herself as co-inhabiting with others this same coastal forum.

Michel Lussault

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THE SENSUAL METROPOLIS A sensory metropolis constitutes a response to the urgent question of the direction contemporary urban planning should take. More than a collection of buildings, it is a shared experience, made up of impressions and memories, where sounds, smells and images mix. [ + ]


A sensory metropolis constitutes a response to the urgent question of the direction contemporary urban planning should take. More than a collection of buildings, it is a shared experience, made up of impressions and memories, where sounds, smells and images mix. From Genoa to Barcelona, it offers a quality of life which depends on a sensory organization of space.

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TOWARDS A SENSORY METROPOLIS Everyone has his or her own image of a Mediterranean city. Above all, it is a series of sensations: the intense blue sky, the sparkling sea, the pine trees swaying in the breeze, the laundry hanging from the corners of apartment windows, the particular sound of the wind, the clacking of petanque balls, the too-noisy motorbikes, the conversations that float through the air until late at night, the smells that waft amidst the streets. [ + ]


Everyone has his or her own image of a Mediterranean city. Above all, it is a series of sensations: the intense blue sky, the sparkling sea, the pine trees swaying in the breeze, the laundry hanging from the corners of apartment windows, the particular sound of the wind, the clacking of petanque balls, the too-noisy motorbikes, the conversations that float through the air until late at night, the smells that waft amidst the streets. Impressions such as these do not easily find a place in manuals of urbanism. They are, however, what makes Mediterranean cities so unique and beautiful. Well beyond their territorial and administrative divisions, cities in the Mediterranean arc share similar cultural and experiential features. From Genova to Barcelona, through Nice, Marseille and Montpellier, the ten million inhabitants of the area each embrace the same landscape—that is, one that faces the sea, and is most often flanked by the pronounced reliefs of the hinterland. They bask in the same climate that creates similarities in their rhythms and their daily preoccupations.

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THE COAST : RISKS AND OPPORTUNITIES Despite the real risk of rising sea levels due to global warming, the vast majority of major urban regions are currently in coastal areas. There are obviously many reasons for this, first and foremost among which is the openness to the world represented by the sea front. [ + ]


Despite the real risk of rising sea levels due to global warming, the vast majority of major urban regions are currently in coastal areas. There are obviously many reasons for this, first and foremost among which is the openness to the world represented by the sea front. The Mediterranean Arc opens out towards the Middle East and Africa and is far from having exhausted the opportunities which arise out of such a position.

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Le Sensual City Studio est conçu comme un lieu de réflexion où se fabrique la pensée, long cheminement nécessaire au travail de conception et de réalisation des projets. Approcher l’espace dans sa complexité physique, fonctionnelle, sociologique, nécessite un décloisonnement des disciplines et un travail collectif : c’est ce que reflète la composition de l’équipe, étoffée par un riche faisceau de contributeurs. Cette démarche, à la croisée des savoirs et de la création, permet la rencontre des regards : une  démarche de co-construction ouverte qui enrichit la compréhension des enjeux et donne un sens à la conduite des projets menés au sein du Studio. Cette posture de recherche et d’approfondissement s’inscrit dans la tradition humaniste du studio, cabinet d’étude de la Renaissance où sciences et arts convergent et se nourrissent de leurs apports mutuels.

Cette interface est la matérialisation métaphorique de notre démarche : elle propose de partager une série de projets conçus dans des cadres variés et des logiques de recherche ponctuelles ou récurrentes. Que cela soit en déplaçant les cadres d’une commande ou en se créant des opportunités de réflexion, le projet reste le même : celui de la ville sensuelle.

Édition │ Publication du site
Le site est édité par Sensual City Studio, 24 rue Dareau, 75014 Paris, France.
Directrice de la publication : Pauline Marchetti
T +33 (0)143 132 020
F +33 (0)143 132 021
SIRET 52860142000029 – code APE 7410Z

Conception │ Réalisation du site
Design : © Olivier Lebrun
Code : © Ahmed Ghazi

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